Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ultrasound - 9wk 4/22/10: Mine and @noellequade's baby

Hey everybody. Thank you for your prayers. It's been a scary road, but one with support. Thank you.

Here are the images from yesterday's ultrasound. Everything is fine and on track!

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I need help finding anthemic music; like in Fallout 3 (please RT)

In Fallout 3 you see and hear various commercials for new products. You know that happy-go-lucky 40's-50's style music in the background with that big anthemic sound? I need to find some that is royalty free - to be used in a video project. If anyone can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” Takes Over #1 Most Viewed Video on YouTube

Despite my better judgement, I went ahead and aided in the #1 status by -yes- watched this video on YouTube.

It should have been called Bad Choreography. The word choreography literally means "dance-writing" from the Greek words "χορεία" (circular dance) and "γραφή" (writing). Every dance step in this video was either taken from "Thriller" or poorly rehearsed. The movements were very uncoordinated at best. This "dance-writing" looked like a term paper written with my right hand - and seeing as how I'm left handed, this would look terrible.

Is this what entertainment has become post-2000? I mean, even The Jetsons still had rock and roll.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Showing Someone #Posterous

Click here to download:
posterous-logo[1].png_1251077116 (15 KB)

This is just a dummy post to show someone how it auto-posts.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Marketing - part 1

As of today approximately 45,000 people have seen an ad that I put up online for my album release. Out of those 45,000 ads, 9 people have clicked on it. While that is only a 0.002% response, it's only fair to point out that it has only been running for one week. A minimum response to any ad is 2 - 4%.

How much did this ad cost me [so far] you ask? $6.31 (less than $1 per day)

I will not know the full effects of this campaign until it is over. Be on the lookout for part two and three of this post for the final results.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Google Google Google Google Voice

If you're anything like me then you use everything Google for all your needs. One of Google's great services is Google Voice (formally Grand Central). One of the many benefits (other than ALL your phone calls being FREE and using NO MINUTES AT ALL) is free SMS and Voicemail. These features, like all other Google products, work seamlessly together - Gmail, Gtasks, Voice, gCal, etc.

For a while now I have had an HTC Droid Eris (possibly the best Google Android device, in my opinion) which I love, but I hate getting duel-notifications for Voice SMS and Verizon SMS.

Today, I learned how to fix this.

To disable SMS to your cell phone do the following. Open Google Voice from your internet browser. Go to Settings, Phones, Edit, and uncheck "Receive SMS on this phone"

That's it! It's (apparently) that simple. I have been looking for this setting for EVER.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm well connected and on top of my statusverse game.

Howdy peeps, tweeps, 'fbookers, bloggers, n00bz, and everyone else.

In an attempt to stay connected and visible (for many different reasons) I have read about and learned to use MANY different social media tools. Someone recently asked me, "why would I want to use [insert medium here]?". My answer was simple: For those that use it.

If you are looking to establish a fan base (for whatever reasons), you have to take into account the fact that everyone has the potential to use something different. For example, if you use Twitter you might not use Facebook.If you read blogs you may not use Twitter. I like to take these differences into account, and thus my endeavor to find a way to do so began.

I use (deep breath)...


You're probably thinking, "OMG how does one keep up with so many thing?". Simple. and/or Posterous. If you have more than one social medial site running then you probably want to look into these two, extremely powerful and useful, tools.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

Granger eating lemons @tgifridayscorp

(1996 KB)
Watch on posterous

Sent from my Google Android device.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

My Easter, your Easter, Easter

So this year was different for me. My first Easter without including my mom, the first Easter with my wife and the kids, and unborn-baby's first Easter.

Sorry folks, I can not take credit for having taken this picture.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

My #Apple #iPad - Straight out the box [VIDEO]

I used Speed Test to test my iPad’s network speed on Wi-Fi and got 12 Mbps. The Wi-Fi iPad suports Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n. The MacBook Pro, on Ethernet, got about 21 Mbps with to a similar server in Denver — which is the best I ever get. My AirPort Extreme is set up for 802.11n (802.11b/g) compatibility.

42 minutes of an HD TV show uses up about 1.4 GB, so I wouldn’t want to keep an entire season of a TV show on the iPad. Instead, I have a few favorite movies and episode or two of some favorite TV shows, right now, just for experimentation and fun. I’m glad I got the 64 GB version so I’ll have plenty of room for growth.

My overall impression of the iPad is that it’s a great computer, and it’s only going to get better from there. It’s perfect for moving about the house, browsing, checking the IMDB when watching a movie, reading books, taking notes, and watching TV or a movie somewhere other than my office. The only downside I noticed was, when sitting outside on a sunny day, the screen is impossible to see outdoors. This is an indoor device.


Posted via web from kquade's blog

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I love my new iphone!

So I got an iphone today. This thing rocks my socks off - so much better than my android. Now I can do things like use itunes! I'm so excited.

Sent from my iphone - please excuse any typos.

Posted via email from kquade's blog

More baby news

So Noelle had her first appointment today at MCV - the OB and her nurse from the ER visit bumped us up due to Noelle's higher-risk status. Now everything is confirmed: Noelle IS DEFINITELY PREGNANT. However, there were two heart beats on the ultrasound, not one. So guess what this means; 4-1-10. Gotcha!

Posted via email from kquade's blog